Please note the following information on the naming of the files and the file structure: • folders are named as the experiments are named in the results section of the publication, i.e. 3.1 Dehydration, 3.2 Hydration, 3.3 CXL-BSS, 3.4 CXL-Dextran • subfolders are named by the experiment and the used technique (OCT: optical coherence tomography, BS: Brillouin spectroscopy, RS: Raman spectroscopy), e.g. Dehydration-BS • each eye is labeled with a running number, e.g. BS-Dehyd-1 • for time series in (de)hydration measurements, the time point is indicated by _1 to_10, e.g. BS-Dehyd-1_1 • for CXL measurements paired eyes were used; eye a was cross-linked (9mW vs. 15mW), while eye b served as control (ctrl), e.g. BS-BSS-1a_cxl_9mW and BS-BSS-1b_ctrl • Brillouin and Raman data are .txt files, OCT data are .oct files