######################################################################################################## # # # Readme file for validation study record "Individual learning development analysis of basic skills in # # the inclusive transition from Kindergarten to school (ILEA-Basis-T)" # # # ######################################################################################################## This readme file was generated on 2024-02-24 by Beatrice Rupprecht GENERAL INFORMATION Title of Dataset: Validation_Study_ILEA_Basis_T Author/Principal Investigator Information Name: Katrin Liebers ORCID: 0000-0001-9094-1629 Institution: Universität Leipzig Address: Institut für Pädagogik und Didaktik im Elementar- und Primarbereich, Professur Schulpädagogik des Primarbereichs, Marschnerstraße 31, 04109 Leipzig Email: katrin.liebers[at]uni-leipzig.de Author/Co-investigator Information Name: Steffen Siegemund-Johannsen ORCID: 0000-0001-9132-7014 Institution: Europa-Universität Flensburg Address:Institut für Sonderpädagogik, Abt. Pädagogik bei Beeinträchtigung der geistigen Entwicklung, Postfach 2954, 24919 Flensburg Email: steffen.siegemund-johannsen[at]uni-flensburg.de Author/Co-investigator Information Name: Susanne Viernickel ORCID: 0000-0001-9419-6494 Institution: Universität Leipzig Address: Institut für Pädagogik und Didaktik im Elementar- und Primarbereich, Professur Pädagogik der frühen Kindheit, Marschnerstraße 31, 04109 Leipzig Email: susanne.viernickel[at]uni-leipzig.de Author/Alternate Contact Information Name: Beatrice Rupprecht ORCID: 0000-0003-0723-358X Institution: Universität Leipzig Address: Institut für Pädagogik und Didaktik im Elementar- und Primarbereich, Professur Schulpädagogik des Primarbereichs, Marschnerstraße 31, 04109 Leipzig Email: Beatrice.rupprecht[at]uni-leipzig.de Date of data collection: 2023-09-01 till 2024-06-15 Geographic location of data collection: Germany, Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein and Bavaria Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), funding reference 01NV2112A and 01NV2112B SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC BY-SA 4.0 Links to publications that cite or use the data: https://doi.org/10.25532/OPARA-773 Was data derived from another source?: No. Recommended citation for this dataset: Liebers, K., Siegemund-Johannsen, S., Viernickel, S., Redersborg, H., von Seeler, I., Richter, V., Hartke, S., & Kauffert, M. (2025). Dataset Validation Study ILEA-Basis-T. https://doi.org/10.25532/OPARA-773 DATA & FILE OVERVIEW File List: - Folder FrueheLiteralitat_ILEA_Basis_T contains: * Rohdaten_FrueheLiteralitaet_Validierung.csv * Codebook_FrueheLiteralitaet_Validierung.pdf * DBS_FruehesLesen_Validierungsversion.pdf * Protokollbogen_Diagnosebaustein_FrueheLiteralitaet.pdf - Folder Fruehe_Mathematik_ILEA_Basis_T contains: * Rohdaten_FrueheMathematik_Validierung.csv * Codebook_FrueheMathematik_Validierung.pdf * Gesamt_Stimulusbuch_FrueheMathematik.pdf * Protokollbogen_Diagnosebaustein_FrueheMathematik.pdf - Folder Wohlbefinden_ILEA_Basis_T contains: * Rohdaten_Wohlbefinden_Validierung.csv * Codebook_Wohlbefinden_Validierung.pdf * DBS_Beobachtungsbogen_Wohlbefinden_Validierungsversion.pdf * DBS_Kinderfragebogen_Wohlbefinden_Validierungsversion.pdf * DBS_Spielfeld_Wohlbefinden_Validierungsversion.pdf Relationship between files: The files “Rohdaten_FrueheLiteralitaet_Validierung.csv”, "Rohdaten_FrueheMathematik_Validierung.csv" and "Rohdaten_Wohlbefinden_Validierung.csv" contain the test data of children in the respective diagnostic module (= DBS, early literacy, early numeracy, well-being) that were used in the validation study. In addition, data from parallel test procedures (e.g., WIPPSI, MBK 0) were used in connection with the DBS Early Literacy and DBS Early Mathematics, as well as feedback from the parent questionnaire (only for DBS Early Literacy). Further details can be found in the codebook files. The files “Rohdaten_FrueheLiteralitaet_Validierung.csv” and "Rohdaten_FrueheMathematik_Validierung.csv" can be merged using the variable child ID. For the interpretation of these files, the review of the DBS-related protocol sheet is recommended (e. g., "Protokollbogen_Diagnosebaustein_FrueheMathematik.pdf"). In order to interpret and understand the data collected for the DBS Early Numeracy, it is necessary to review the stimulus book (file "Gesamt_Stimulusbuch_FrueheMathematik.pdf"). Likewise, the interpretation of the data collected for the DBS Early Literacy requires the inspection of the file “DBS_FruehesLesen_Validierungsversion.pdf”. For the interpretation of the data collected for the DBS Wellbeing it is necessary to review the files "DBS_Beobachtungsbogen_Wohlbefinden_Validierungsversion.pdf", "DBS_Kinderfragebogen_Wohlbefinden_Validierungsversion.pdf" and "DBS_Spielfeld_Wohlbefinden_Validierungsversion.pdf". Version of the dataset: 1.0.0 METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: The data collection was carried out as an explorative study in a quasi-experimental research design (quantitative study). For this purpose, the developed diagnostic modules (early literacy, early numeracy, well-being) were implemented with children who were cared for in the partner kindergartens and school preparation centers and for whom consent forms had been provided by their parents. Additional information on the diagnostic modules and the data collection can be found in the ILEA-Basis-T project manual (https://doi.org/10.36730/2025.1.ilea.1) and on the homepage, where the Open Educational Resources (OER) are linked: https://www.erzwiss.uni-leipzig.de/institut-fuer-paedagogik-und-didaktik-im-elementar-und-primarbereich/professuren/professur-fuer-schulpaedagogik-des-primarbereichs/forschung/ilea-basis-t-1#c850336. Please note that the published OER materials correspond to the DBS versions that were revised after validation. The record sheets on which the data collection (validation study) is based can be found in the above-mentioned Folders and files. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: Any statistics software or spreadsheet program can be used to open the csv files. A pdf reader is required to open the pdf files. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Rohdaten_FrueheLiteralitaet_Validierung.csv People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Helke Redersborg, Lara Holland, Anika Weinhold, Rebecca Meister & Sarah Bäumler Number of variables: 161 Number of cases/rows (sample size): 222 Variable List: Listed in file "Codebook_FrueheLiteralitaet_Validierung.pdf" Missing data codes: -999 DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Rohdaten_FrueheMathematik_Validierung.csv People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Steffen Siegemund-Johannsen, Sara Hartke, Matteo Kauffert, Isabelle von Seeler & Joana Stolte Number of variables: 192 Number of cases/rows (sample size): 191 Variable List: Listed in file "Codebook_FrueheMathematik_Validierung.pdf" Missing data codes: -99 DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Rohdaten_Wohlbefinden_Validierung.csv People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Emily Zahn, Daniela Seidel & Virginia Richter Number of variables: Number of cases/rows (sample size): 51 for "Beobachtungsbogen", 51 for "Selbsteinschätzungsbogen" Variable List: Listed in file "Codebook_Wohlbefinden_Validierung.pdf" Missing data codes: 995 # END.