/*We assessed two indicators of SRAD severity. The first was the number of symptoms as it has been defined for disorder severity in DSM-5. Predictors and outcomes were both z-standardized, yielding standardized regression coefficients that have the same range as correlations. */ //baseline gen bl_sud_symp=bl_tob_symp + bl_alc_symp gen bl_nd_symp=bl_int_symp + bl_game_symp + bl_gamb_symp+ bl_shop_symp //z-standardization, later co-variate in the second analyses egen std_bl_sud_symp=std(bl_sud_symp) egen std_bl_nd_symp=std(bl_nd_symp) //follow-up gen fu1_sud_symp=fu1_tob_symp + fu1_alc_symp gen fu1_nd_symp=fu1_int_symp + fu1_game_symp + fu1_gamb_symp+ fu1_shop_symp //We calculated delta as differences between SRAD symptoms and quantity-frequency-indices at follow-up minus baseline. gen symp_sud_delta=fu1_sud_symp - bl_sud_symp gen symp_nd_delta=fu1_nd_symp - bl_nd_symp //z-standardization egen std_symp_sud_delta=std(symp_sud_delta) egen std_symp_nd_delta=std(symp_nd_delta) /*The second indicator was the quantity-frequency index of use. Frequency was assessed by using the following categories: almost daily, 3–4 times per week, 1–2 times per week, 1–3 times per month, less often than monthly. Quantity was assessed either by standard drinks (alcohol), cigarettes (tobacco), or hours of use (Internet, gaming, gambling, shopping). A standard drink was defined as 9 g of pure alcohol (about 0.1 litre wine with 11% alcohol by volume). The quantity–frequency index was computed by multiplying the maximum of the categorie. */ //baseline gen bl_qfi_tob=bl_quant_tob*bl_frequ_tob gen bl_qfi_alc=bl_quant_alc*bl_frequ_alc gen bl_qfi_int=bl_quant_int*bl_frequ_int gen bl_qfi_game=bl_quant_game*bl_frequ_game gen bl_qfi_gamb=bl_quant_gamb*bl_frequ_gamb gen bl_qfi_shop=bl_quant_shop*bl_frequ_shop //1 year follow-up gen fu1_qfi_tob=fu1_quant_tob*fu1_frequ_tob gen fu1_qfi_alc=fu1_quant_alc*fu1_frequ_alc gen fu1_qfi_int=fu1_quant_int*fu1_frequ_int gen fu1_qfi_game=fu1_quant_game*fu1_frequ_game gen fu1_qfi_gamb=fu1_quant_gamb*fu1_frequ_gamb gen fu1_qfi_shop=fu1_quant_shop*fu1_frequ_shop //As dependent variable, we z-standardized the quantity–frequency indices to make them comparable (gram, cigarettes, and hours per week), //summed up the values separately for substance use and non-substance-related addictive behaviours and z-standardized them again. //baseline for any bl_qfi_tob bl_qfi_alc bl_qfi_int bl_qfi_game bl_qfi_gamb bl_qfi_shop: egen std_X=std(X) egen bl_qfi_sud=rowtotal(std_bl_qfi_tob std_bl_qfi_alc) egen bl_qfi_ba=rowtotal(std_bl_qfi_int std_bl_qfi_game std_bl_qfi_gamb std_bl_qfi_shop) egen std_bl_qfi_sud=std(bl_qfi_sud) egen std_bl_qfi_ba=std(bl_qfi_ba) //1 year follow-up for any fu1_qfi_tob fu1_qfi_alc fu1_qfi_int fu1_qfi_game fu1_qfi_gamb fu1_qfi_shop: egen std_X=std(X) egen fu1_qfi_sud=rowtotal(std_fu1_qfi_tob std_fu1_qfi_alc) egen fu1_qfi_ba=rowtotal(std_fu1_qfi_int std_fu1_qfi_game std_fu1_qfi_gamb std_fu1_qfi_shop) egen std_fu1_qfi_sud=std(fu1_qfi_sud) egen std_fu1_qfi_ba=std(fu1_qfi_ba) //We calculated delta as differences between SRAD symptoms and quantity-frequency-indices at follow-up minus baseline. gen qfi_sud_delta= std_fu1_qfi_sud- std_bl_qfi_sud gen qfi_ba_delta= std_fu1_qfi_ba- std_bl_qfi_ba //z-standardization egen std_qfi_sud_delta=std(qfi_sud_delta) egen std_qfi_ba_delta=std(qfi_ba_delta)