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Strömungsmechanik und Strömungsmaschinen (F4-IMFD)
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Projects within this community
Aerosol generation at a model of the human vocal folds [1]
For the purpose of investigating the atomization of respiratory mucus during phonation, a new experimental setup was designed which emulates the vocal folds, their oscillating movement and the expiratory air flow in a ... -
Numerical simulation of periodic surface structures created by direct laser interference patterning [1]
This project holds supplementary data for numerical simulations of perodic surface structues created by direct laser interference patterning. These simulations were performed with OpenFOAM and compared to experimental ... -
CO2-Messungen beim Chorsingen
Um der Frage nachzugehen, wie Chorsingen während einer Pandemie sicherer gemacht werden kann, wurden während unterschiedlicher Chorproben die CO_2 Konzentrationen mit Hilfe von Sensoren messtechnisch erfasst. Dabei wird ... -
Non-Invasive Calibration for Volumetric Flow Measurements in Confined Spaces (NICVFMCS)
The calibration of a multi-camera system is a crucial step of volumetric flow measurements with photogrammetric methods. Conventional calibration methods are based on recording hardware targets, which are placed in the ...
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Recent Submissions
Supplemental material to Fritzsche et al. (2022), "Toward unraveling the mechanisms of aerosol generation during phonation"
(Technische Universität Bergakademie FreibergInstitut für Mechanik und Fluiddynamik, 2022)Supplemental material and supporting information for the publication: Fritzsche, L., Schwarze, R., Junghans, F., & Bauer, K. (2022). Toward unraveling the mechanisms of aerosol generation during phonation. Physics of Fluids, ... -
Supplemental Material to 'Numerical simulation of periodic surface structures created by direct laser interference patterning'
(Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, 2023)Supplementary Data for the following Publication: M. Heinrich, B. Voisiat, A.F. Lasagni, R. Schwarze. "Numerical simulation of periodic surface structures created by direct laser interference patterning". PLOS ONE (2023). It ...