The OPARA service was recently upgraded to a new technical platform. You are visiting the outdated OPARA website. Please use for new data submissions. Previously stored data will be migrated in near future and then the old version of OPARA will finally be shut down. Existing DOIs for data publications remain valid.

The project has been funded by the German Research Foundation (AS 497/1-1), awarded to Dr. Eva Asselmann (TU Dresden). The PI status was transferred to Prof. Dr. Katja Beesdo-Baum as of 01.10.2017 because Dr. Eva Asselmann left the TU Dresden and relocated to the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (now at HMU Health and Medical University Potsdam). She continued to be involved in the project as a cooperation partner and has been involved in the data analyses and publication.

This project is open access and publicly accessible.


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