"VR_RFT_Input" contains Unity-logs and survey data collected between 2022-2023 by J. Josupeit, L. Greim and S. Sanchez Rivas under the experiment title "Replication of Field-Dependency and Cybersickness".
The data are structured in 3 folders for each the Unity logs of the free exploration City condition and the virtual RFT condition, as well as the demographic data of the LimeSurvey questionnaire. Aside the folders the experimental protocol and an overview text file are included.
The 3 folders contain:
"VR_RFT_City" contains 82 data files, one R-script for preprocessing the data, a folder with 81 preprocessed files and a large summary file, and Readme text files to explain the files and variables in the data frames further.
"VR_RFT_Limesurvey" contains the unfiltered, filtered, commented and preprocessed survey data files, the R-script for preprocessing, a codebook, lss-files to access the applied LimeSurvey questionnaire and descriptive Readme text files.
"VR_RFT_RFT" contains 81 Unity logs, one R-Script for preprocessing, a folder listing the 81 preprocessed files and a large summary file, and 2 Readme text files.