TU Dresden Data Publications

Data publications from research of Dresden University of Technology.


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    Open Access
    Statistical Evaluation of Strain Reading Anomalies in Distributed Fiber Optic Strain Sensing Measurements
    (Technische Universität Dresden, 2025-01-30) Ulbrich, Lisa
    Three different strain measurements with distributed fibre optic sensors using the ODiSI 6100 in different load conditions have been analyzed regarding the occurence of strain reading anomalis. Therefore, strain reading anomalies have been marked manually. The load states include a cracked state ( prestressed concrete specimen in 4-point-bending with increasing load), a prestressed state (concrete specimen after prestressing, small cracking) and an unloaded state (prestressed concrete specimen). The used EpsilonSensors (3 mm, ripped) of NerveSensors have been embedded in the concrete specimens. All measurements have been carried out using a gage pitch of 1.3 mm and frequencies between 1 and 6 Hz. The key has been created before concreting of the specimens. The datasets can be used f.e. for the evaluation of pre-processing algorithms or the creation of benchmark datasets. The datasets have been choosen due to their bad measurement quality and are no measure for the overall quality of distributed fibre optic strain sensing measurements. The quality issues might be due to dirty connections, scratched connections or sharp strain gradients.
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    Open Access
    Pore water pressure evolution and grain shape of different materials
    (Technische Universität Dresden, 2025-01-27) Bacic, Bozana
    These data serve as a basis for comparing the evolution of excess pore water pressure in different materials (natural sands, mixtures of glass beads and crushed sand), as well as various influencing factors and specimen preparation methods, obtained using the newly developed simplified undrained cyclic shear test, the PWP Tester. Additionally, the data for the determination of grain shape parameters of several materials are included. These files support the publication: https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa2-945638.
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    Open Access
    Data for "An Elephant Under the Microscope: Analyzing the Interaction of Optimizer Components in PostgreSQL"
    (Technische Universität Dresden, 2025-01-23) Bergmann, Rico
    This dataset presents benchmark data for the SIGMOD 2025 publication "An Elephant Under the Microscope: Analyzing the Interaction of Optimizer Components in PostgreSQL" (https://doi.org/10.1145/3709659). The dataset spans multiple different experiments, each analyzing how different components of relational query optimizers influence each other and how they perform when faced with faulty input. For each experiment a dedicated ZIP file is available. These files contain READMEs with technical information (e.g. table columns). Detailed descriptions of the individual experiments can be found in the actual publication, as well as in the code repository that provides the actual experiment scripts for reproducibility (available at https://github.com/db-tu-dresden/SIGMOD25-PostgreEval).
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    Open Access
    Untersuchung der Quellung von Gelatine in Lösungen für Mineralisationsexperimente
    (Technische Universität Dresden, 2025-01-17) Kruppke, Benjamin
    Die für die Doppelmigration verwendete Gelatine wird unterschiedlichen Bedingungen bezüglich des pH-Wertes und der Ionenkonzentrationen (Kat- und Anionen) der Mineralisationslösungen ausgesetzt. Um das Quellverhalten und die Veränderung der Gelatine bezüglich ihrer haptischen Festigkeit zu analysieren wurden Versuche mit Gelatinequadern vorgenommen, die die jeweilige Quellung und die Elastizität der Gelatineproben beschreibt.
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    Open Access
    Data Underpinning: Correlated proton disorder in the crystal structure of the double hydroxide perovskite CuSn(OH)₆
    (Technische Universität Dresden, 2025-01-16) Peets, Darren Campbell; Kulbakov, Anton A.; Häußler, Ellen; Parui, Kaushick K.; Mannathanath Chakkingal, Aswathi; Pavlovskii, Nikolai S.; Pomjakushin, Vladimir Yu.; Cañadillas-Delgado, Laura; Hansen, Thomas; Doert, Thomas; Inosov, Dmytro S.
    This contains the data underpinning our paper on CuSn(OH)₆. The abstract of the article is reproduced here: CuSn(OH)6 is a quantum spin system from the family of magnetic double perovskite hydroxides, having a frustrated magnetic sublattice. It is also known as the natural mineral mushistonite, whose crystal structure has remained elusive for decades. Here we employ x-ray and neutron powder diffraction to solve the crystal structure of CuSn(OH)6 and propose a structure model in the orthorhombic space group Pnnn with correlated proton disorder. The occupation of the hydrogen sites in the structure is constrained by “ice rules” similar to those known for water ice. The resulting frustration of the hydrogen bonding network is likely to have a complex and interesting interplay with the strong magnetic frustration expected in the face-centred magnetic sublattice. Structural distortions, which are quite pronounced in Cu2+ compounds due to the Jahn-Teller effect, partially alleviate both types of frustration. We also show that hydrostatic pressure tends to suppress proton disorder through a sequence of proton-ordering transitions, as some of the split hydrogen sites merge already at 1.75 GPa while others show a tendency toward possible merging at higher pressures.