Statistical Evaluation of Strain Reading Anomalies in Distributed Fiber Optic Strain Sensing Measurements

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Technische Universität Dresden

Three different strain measurements with distributed fibre optic sensors using the ODiSI 6100 in different load conditions have been analyzed regarding the occurence of strain reading anomalis. Therefore, strain reading anomalies have been marked manually.

The load states include a cracked state ( prestressed concrete specimen in 4-point-bending with increasing load), a prestressed state (concrete specimen after prestressing, small cracking) and an unloaded state (prestressed concrete specimen). The used EpsilonSensors (3 mm, ripped) of NerveSensors have been embedded in the concrete specimens. All measurements have been carried out using a gage pitch of 1.3 mm and frequencies between 1 and 6 Hz. The key has been created before concreting of the specimens.

The datasets can be used f.e. for the evaluation of pre-processing algorithms or the creation of benchmark datasets.

The datasets have been choosen due to their bad measurement quality and are no measure for the overall quality of distributed fibre optic strain sensing measurements. The quality issues might be due to dirty connections, scratched connections or sharp strain gradients.

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