Data set of the energy demand and associated movement of automated storage and retrieval machines
Type of the data | Dataset | |
Total size of the dataset | 35916268 | |
Author | Siegel, Armin | |
Upload date | 2024-06-24T08:40:08Z | |
Publication date | 2024-06-24T08:40:08Z | |
Publication date | 2024-06-24 | |
Abstract of the dataset | The database consists of measurement data from multiple pallet racking storage and retrieval machines (SRMs) and the devices from automatic small parts storage systems (ASPS). The power consumption and the distance traveled by the systems were measured during several measurement operations. There are isolated measurements for the travel and hoist mechanisms of the systems. For power measurement, the Hioki 3193 Power HiTester was used. To capture the distance to the computer, a Dimetix laser distance sensor, model FLS-C 10, was employed. To account for all components and their losses, the power was measured at the aisle connection point. Accordingly, all components of the SRMs, including their losses, were recorded. The measurement setup and detailed methodology are described in the dissertation "Minimierung der Netzanschlussleistung und des Energiebedarfs von Regalbediengerät-Lagersystemen" / "Minimization of grid connection power and energy demand in automated storage and retrieval systems" by Armin Siegel. In addition to the database, which is provided as a compressed SQL file, example queries in Matlab (R2017b) and Python 3 are included. | |
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Publisher | Technische Universität Dresden | |
Licence | Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International | en |
URI of the licence text | | |
Specification of the discipline(s) | 4 | |
Title of the dataset | Data set of the energy demand and associated movement of automated storage and retrieval machines |