Research data for: “Forces during film drainage and detachment of NMC and spherical graphite in particle-bubble interactions quantified by CP-AFM and modeling to understand the salt flotation of battery black mass”
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This dataset characterizes the particle-bubble interaction for single battery black mass particles (NMC 622 and spherical graphite) in sodium chloride solutions (0.001 mol/L to 0.750 mol/L) for pH 3 to pH 10. The interaction of black mass particles with gas bubbles in the AFM-geometry gives information about the likeliness of particle-bubble-attachment and detachment in salt flotation.
The research data consists of two parts: A) the Experimental Atomic Force Microscopy data for the interaction of black mass particles (NMC 622 (NMC) and spherical graphite (SG)) with sessile gas bubbles in salt solutions and B) the Data for the key figures of “Forces during film drainage and detachment of NMC and spherical graphite in particle-bubble interactions quantified by CP-AFM and modeling to understand the salt flotation of battery black mass”.