Statistics for OPARA Research Data Repository

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Strain curves measured with different DFOS types and varying spatial resolution by an ODiSI 6108 368
Guidelines for quantitative survey on perception of urban green spaces during COVID-19 pandemic 355
STABEEL - Messkampagne 2023/Q1 - Experimentelle Verifikation von Umrichterinteraktionen Q(U)-geregelter Erzeugungsanlagen am Dynamischen Netzmodell (physikalische 220-kV-Netznachbildung) des TUD - IEEH 233
2D Imaging Simulation from 3D Particle Data: Python Notebooks, Particle Datasets, and Simulation Results 172
Dual testing field for studies of environmental and operational effects in structural damage localization of mechanical structures 166
Traffic Light Data of Hamburg collected in September and October 2023 (Observations from SensorThings API) 132
Data set of the energy demand and associated movement of automated storage and retrieval machines 131
Source code, scripts, and data used in the PhD thesis "Fine-grained OS Control over High-performance Networking" 124
X-ray computed tomography data of expanded polypropylene bead foams of different density under compression 122
Correlation Clustering of Organoid Images: Data 116