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Neueste Zugänge
Zugversuche zur Validierung des Funktionsmoduls Fadenführung und -tränkung
(Technische Universität DresdenInstitut für Textilmaschinen und Textile HochleistungswerkstofftechnikInstitut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik, 2024)Die Zugversuche wurden im Rahmen der Inbetriebnahme des Funktionsmoduls Fadenführung und -tränkung als Validierung (Technologienachweis) der entwickelten Technologie durchgeführt. -
Test field datasets/photos with DJI Mavic Pro 2 camera and Nikon D300 camera
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2024)test field and 4 scale bars with AICON 14 bit targets; data belonging to publication section 2.7 https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15225283 -
Fadenzugkraftmessung (Inline-Prozess)
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2024)Messung der Fadenzukraft (-spannung) während der (simulierten) Garnablage Garn ist während der Messung nicht getränkt (trocken) -
Prozesseinflussuntersuchung bei der Fadentränkung
(Technische Universität DresdenInstitut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik, 2024)Untersuchungen zu den Einflussparameter bei der Tränkung von Garnen; Charakterisierung mittels Zugversuchen (Verbundphysikalische Untersuchungen); Untersuchungen dienen als technologische Grundlage für die nachfolgende ... -
Chemical unfolding of S6 protein in multiwell plate smFRET experiments
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2023)chemical unfolding of S6 protein in a 96-well plate smFRET multiparameter fluorescence detection experiment -
CFTR TM34 multiwell plate smFRET measurements
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2023)raw data set of smFRET multiparameter fluorescence experiment in a multiwell plate format of CFTR TM3/4 hairpin reconstituted in LUVs as wt or with patient derived mutations -
Multiwell DNA hairpin dynamics smFRET measurements
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2023)raw data of DNA hairpin dynamics measured in a multiwell smFRET experiment time-correlated single-photon counting, PIE, and multi parameter fluorescence detection -
SSB and RecA dynamics studied with multiwell plate smFRET
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2023)SSB and RecA binding cooperativity and competition to single-stranded DNA measured with multiwell plate, multiparameter smFRET -
DNA ruler measurement for accuracy and precision of multiwell plate smFRET experiments
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2023)HT3 data and analysed *.bin files for 96 measurement repeats A01 to H12 in a 96-well plate, multiparameter detection smFRET experiment. Data can be analysed and visualised using autoFRET package at https://github.com/Sch ... -
Use of Steroid Profiling Combined With Machine Learning for the Diagnosis of Mild Autonomous Cortisol Secretion
(Technische Universität DresdenUniklinikum Dresden, 2022)This supplemental file is derived from the main data set to provide background to the associated concepts and methods of machine learning -
Chaperones Skp and SurA dynamically expand unfolded OmpX and synergistically disassemble oligomeric aggregates
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2022)The packages contain the raw data (.ht3 and BIN files) obtained for all smFRET and FCS measurements mentioned in the manuscript titled "Chaperones Skp and SurA dynamically expand unfolded OmpX and synergistically disassemble ... -
complimentary data about Paper "Further Enhancing the in Situ Visualization of Performance Data in Parallel CFD Applications"
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2021)complimentary data about Paper "Further Enhancing the in Situ Visualization of Performance Data in Parallel CFD Applications" -
Supplemental Data and Response to the Reviewers for the publication of manuscript "Glucocorticoid excess in patients with pheochromocytoma compared to paraganglioma and other forms of hypertension"
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2020)Supplemental Data and Rebuttal related to the manuscript entitled ''Glucocorticoid excess in patients with pheochromocytoma compared to paraganglioma and other forms of hypertension" -
Supplemental Data and Response to the Reviewers for the publication of manuscript "Glucocorticoid excess in patients with pheochromocytoma compared to paraganglioma and other forms of hypertension"
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2020)Supplemental Data and Rebuttal related to the manuscript entitled ''Glucocorticoid excess in patients with pheochromocytoma compared to paraganglioma and other forms of hypertension" -
Supplemental Data for the publication of manuscript "Glucocorticoid excess in patients with pheochromocytoma compared to paraganglioma and other forms of hypertension"
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2020)This supplemental file is derived from the manuscript to provide further information regarding plasma concentrations of adrenal steroids. -
Critical path analysis tool for heterogeneous applications (CASITA)
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2019)CASITA is a tool for automatic analysis of OTF2 trace files that have been generated with Score-P. It determines program activities with high impact on the total program runtime and the load balancing. CASITA generates an ... -
Plasma steroid profiles in subclinical compared to overt adrenal Cushing’s syndrome
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2019)This supplemental file is derived from responses to the reviewers of the manuscript to provide background to the associated concepts and mathematical and statistical methods.