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Microstructural features of AlSi9Cu3 as well as superposition of segmented fatigue crack with initial microstructure studied by µCT
Weitere mitwirkende Personen, Institutionen oder Unternehmen | dfg - Funder | |
Für den Inhalt der Forschungsdaten verantwortliche Person(en) | Wagner, Ruben | |
Beschreibung der weiteren Datenverarbeitung | Trainable Weka Segmentation | |
Verwendete Forschungsinstrumente | micro-CT ZEISS VERSA510 | |
Zugrundeliegende Forschungsobjekte | PhysicalObject: Aluminum alloy | |
Kurzbeschreibung | To investigate the impact of melt conditioning and filtration on intermetallic phases in AlSi9Cu3 µCT studies were conducted. The gained research data show microstructural features like pores (#1) and polyhedral intermetallic phases (#2, #2) in 3D videos. The fatigue crack introduced by ultrasonic fatigue testing (USFT) was segmented from µCT slices by machine learning algorithms of Trainable Weka Segmentation and superimposed with the initial microstructure. The superposition of fatigue crack and initial microstructure is shown for a reference batch specimen (#4) and a melt con-ditioned and filtrated batch specimen (#5). | |
Angewendete Methoden oder Verfahren | Melt conditioning and filtration Ultrasonic fatigue testing X-ray microtomography | |
Inhaltsverzeichnis | #1: Reference batch specimen pre USFT: pore #2: Melt conditioned batch specimen pre USFT: single alpha cubic polyhedra #3: Melt conditioned batch specimen pre USFT: cluster of alpha cubic polyhedra #4: Reference batch specimen: Superposition of segmented fatigue crack with initial microstructure #5: Melt conditioned batch specimen: Superposition of segmented fatigue crack with initial microstructure | |
Weitere Schlagwörter | Melt conditioning, metal melt filtration, Trainable Weka Segmentation | |
Sprache | eng | |
Entstehungsjahr oder Entstehungszeitraum | 2020 | |
Veröffentlichungsjahr | 2020 | |
Herausgeber | Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg | |
Herausgeber | Institute of Materials Engineering | |
Referenzen auf ergänzende Materialien | IsPartOf: 123456789/1766 (Handle) | |
Inhalt der Forschungsdaten | Audiovisual: videos of reconstructed and processed µCT slices | |
Inhaber der Nutzungsrechte | Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg | |
Nutzungsrechte des Datensatzes | CC-BY-4.0 | |
Eingesetzte Software | Resource Processing: Image J 1.52p | |
Nähere Beschreibung der/s Fachgebiete/s | Materials Engineering | |
Angabe der Fachgebiete | Materials Science | de |
Titel des Datensatzes | Microstructural features of AlSi9Cu3 as well as superposition of segmented fatigue crack with initial microstructure studied by µCT |
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µCT investigations of melt conditioned and filtrated AlSi9Cu3 [1]
To investigate the impact of melt conditioning and filtration on intermetallic phases in AlSi9Cu3 µCT studies were conducted. The gained research data show microstructural features as well as superposition of fatigue cracks with their inital microstructure.