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Subtitle: A historical image benchmark dataset including feature matches and four scene reconstructions.


Ergänzende TitelSubtitle: A historical image benchmark dataset including feature matches and four scene reconstructions.
Für den Inhalt der Forschungsdaten verantwortliche Person(en)Maiwald, Ferdinand
Art der Erhebung der DatenOther: Manual selection of images, tie points and feature matches. Automatic generation of 3D models using the Structure-from-Motion workflow in COLMAP
Zugrundeliegende ForschungsobjekteMedia: Estimation of the pose of the historical camera
Zugrundeliegende ForschungsobjektePhysicalObject: Investigation of four landmarks in the vicinity of Dresden (Crowngate, Hofkirche, Moritzburg, Semperoper)
KurzbeschreibungSupplementary image dataset of the ISPRS International Journal of Geoinformation publication "Fully Automated Pose Estimation of Historical Images in the Context of 4D Geographic Information Systems Utilizing Machine Learning Methods". Historical image benchmark dataset including feature matches and four scene reconstructions.
Angewendete Methoden oder VerfahrenStucture-from-Motion Bundle adjustment
Weitere erklärende Angaben zu den DatenDetailed information of the used data, its parameters and how it is processed is provided in the accompanying file.
Länder, auf die sich die Daten beziehenGERMANYde
Region(en) auf die sich die Daten beziehenSachsen
Weitere SchlagwörterStructure-from-Motion
Weitere SchlagwörterPhotogrammetry
Entstehungsjahr oder Entstehungszeitraum2021
HerausgeberTechnische Universität Dresden
Referenzen auf ergänzende MaterialienIsIdenticalTo: (URL)
Inhalt der ForschungsdatenText, Image, Dataset, Model: Text - Information and readme-file for the dataset; Image - URLs directing to an entirety of 96 historical images of four landsmarks in the vicinity of Dresden, Germany; Dataset - Historical images, manually determined tie points, feature matches; Model - 3D model generated using COLMAP and saved in .txt format
Inhaber der NutzungsrechteTechnische Universität Dresden
Nutzungsrechte des DatensatzesCC-BY-SA-4.0
Eingesetzte SoftwareResource Production: COLMAP 3.7
Eingesetzte SoftwareResource Production: Agisoft Metashape 1.5.1
Nähere Beschreibung der/s Fachgebiete/sPhotogrammetry, Computer Vision
Angabe der FachgebieteGeological Sciencede
Angabe der FachgebieteComputer Sciencede
Angabe der FachgebieteOtherde
Titel des DatensatzesHistImage2021

Dateien zu dieser Ressource


Die Datenpakete erscheinen in:

  • Historical image benchmark dataset including feature matches and four scene reconstructions. [1]Open Access Icon
    Supplementary image dataset of the ISPRS International Journal of Geoinformation publication "Fully Automated Pose Estimation of Historical Images in the Context of 4D Geographic Information Systems Utilizing Machine Learning Methods". Historical image benchmark dataset including feature matches and four scene reconstructions. The dataset can be used for testing and evaluating feature matching methods on exclusively historical images. Additionally, the dataset can easily be extended as all tie point information is provided.

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