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Batch test for measurement of biodegradable and inert COD fraction concentrations in municipal waste waters using UV-Vis senors
Weitere mitwirkende Personen, Institutionen oder Unternehmen | Paul, Urte - TU-Dresden - Other | |
Weitere mitwirkende Personen, Institutionen oder Unternehmen | Heidt, Sinaida - TU-Dresden - DataCollector | |
Weitere mitwirkende Personen, Institutionen oder Unternehmen | Gebauer, Ulrike - TU-Dresden - DataCollector | |
Weitere mitwirkende Personen, Institutionen oder Unternehmen | Grüner, Stefan - TU-Dresden - ResearchGroup | |
Weitere mitwirkende Personen, Institutionen oder Unternehmen | Linden, Julius-Paul - TU-Dresden - Other | |
Weitere mitwirkende Personen, Institutionen oder Unternehmen | Wittwer, Anika - TU-Dresden - Other | |
Weitere mitwirkende Personen, Institutionen oder Unternehmen | Brückner, Heike - TU-Dresden - DataCollector | |
Weitere mitwirkende Personen, Institutionen oder Unternehmen | Benisch, Jakob - TU-Dresden - RelatedPerson | |
Für den Inhalt der Forschungsdaten verantwortliche Person(en) | Weber, Steffen - TU-Dresden | |
Für den Inhalt der Forschungsdaten verantwortliche Person(en) | Mayer, Robin-Pascal - TU-Dresden | |
Für den Inhalt der Forschungsdaten verantwortliche Person(en) | Krebs, Peter - TU-Dresden | |
Art der Erhebung der Daten | Experiment: respiration experiment in batch reactor with intermittent aeration and continuous mixing | |
Art der Erhebung der Daten | Observation: COD transformation during the test period | |
Verwendete Forschungsinstrumente | COD measurement (Hach Lange GmbH, Type: Cuvette test LCK 314, LCK 514, LCK 014, Info: COD determination from raw sample according to DIN 38409 Teil 4. The homogenization of the sample was carried out according to DIN 38402 Teil 30.) | |
Verwendete Forschungsinstrumente | Filtration unit (Sartorius AG, Type: Sartolab P20 pressure filter units, Info: Pressurized filtration unit) | |
Verwendete Forschungsinstrumente | Spectrophotometer (s::can GmH, spectro::lyser V2, Serial No.: 11280256, Information: Use manufacturer's global calibration 'INFLUENTV160' for calculation equivalence parameters (TSS, NO3, CODtotal, CODmf, SAC254, SAC436)) | |
Verwendete Forschungsinstrumente | Spectrophotometer (s::can GmH, spectro::lyser V2, Serial No.: 11280217, Information: Use manufacturer's global calibration 'INFLUENTV160' for calculation equivalence parameters (TSS, NO3, CODtotal, CODmf, SAC254, SAC436)) | |
Verwendete Forschungsinstrumente | Spectrophotometer (s::can GmH, spectro::lyser V2, Serial No.: 14350400, Information: Use manufacturer's global calibration 'INFLUENTV160' for calculation equivalence parameters (TSS, NO3, CODtotal, CODmf, SAC254, SAC436)) | |
Verwendete Forschungsinstrumente | Spectrophotometer (s::can GmH, spectro::lyser V2, Serial No.: 11280255, Information: Use manufacturer's global calibration 'INFLUENTV160' for calculation equivalence parameters (TSS, NO3, CODtotal, CODmf, SAC254, SAC436)) | |
Verwendete Forschungsinstrumente | Membrane filter (Sartorius AG, Type: Cellulose nitrate filter, Serial No.: 11306-47-N, Info: diameter: 47 mm; pore size 0,45 µm) | |
Verwendete Forschungsinstrumente | Dispersion (IKA-Werke GmbH & CO. KG, Type: IKA T25 D (digital ULTRA-TURRAX), Info: used cutting tool S 25 N - G 45 M, max. 10.000 rpm, selected dispersion time between 30 s to 60 s | |
Verwendete Forschungsinstrumente | Sauerstoffsensor (Luminescent Dissolved Oxygen-Sensor (LDO), Hach-Lange GmbH, Serial No.: 1108410198) | |
Verwendete Forschungsinstrumente | BOD measurement (BOD determination from raw sample according to DIN EN 1899-1 (ISO 5815)) | |
Zugrundeliegende Forschungsobjekte | Substance: COD fractions in municipal waste water under dry weather conditions | |
Kurzbeschreibung | In wastewater from the outflow of primary treatment (wastewater treatment plant, Dresden-Kaditz) and from a combined sewer of the city of Dresden, the wastewater composition was determined using in-situ UV-Vis measurement technology and oxygen consumption measurements combinded with the activated sludge model No.1 (ASM No. 1) and wet chemical analyzes from random samples as a reference. This data set was used for the publication of Steffen Weber's doctoral thesis "Fraktionierung des Chemischen Sauerstoffbedarfs mithilfe von Extinktionsmessungen im UV/Vis-Spektralbereich" by Steffen Weber. (link: The aim of this work was to extend the system understanding of the wastewater composition beyond the standard analysis parameters by using in situ UV-Vis measurement techniques to determine the COD components (fractionated according to ASM No.1). | |
Angewendete Methoden oder Verfahren | COD fractions were simulated using the model approach from Henze et al. 1986 ("Activated Sludge Model No. 1"). Oxygen uptake rate was calculated and proportionally assigned to the biodegradable COD fractions following the approach of Wentzel et al. 1995 ("Batch test for measurement of readily biodegradable COD and active organism concentration in municipal waste waters"). Reference values for the COD fractions (SS, XS, SI and XI) were calculated from standard analysis results and the approach of Roeleveld and Loosdrecht 2002 ("Experience with guidelines for wastewater characterization in The Netherlands"). Calibration functions determined with partial least squares regression - determining causal relationship between absorbance records and modeled concentrations (SS, XS, SI and XI). A more detailed explanation of all analysis methods can be found in the dissertation "Fraktionierung des Chemischen Sauerstoffbedarfs mithilfe von Extinktionsmessungen im UV/Vis-Spektralbereich" of Steffen Weber (link: | |
Gebiete, auf die sich die Daten beziehen | Dresden-Stetzsch. | |
Länder, auf die sich die Daten beziehen | GERMANY | de |
Koordinaten von Orten, auf die sich die Daten beziehen | samping location: 51°04'33.4"N 13°40'01.2"E | |
Region(en) auf die sich die Daten beziehen | Dresden, Sachsen | |
Weitere Schlagwörter | optical spectrophotometry | |
Weitere Schlagwörter | COD-fractionation | |
Weitere Schlagwörter | activated sludge modell No1 (ASM No1) | |
Weitere Schlagwörter | partcial-least-squares regression (PLS-R) | |
Weitere Schlagwörter | UV-Vis calibration | |
Sprache | deu | |
Entstehungsjahr oder Entstehungszeitraum | 2013-2019 | |
Veröffentlichungsjahr | 2023 | |
Herausgeber | Technische Universität Dresden - Faculty of Environmental Sciences - Department of Hydrosciences - Institute of Urban and Industrial Water Management | |
Referenzen auf ergänzende Materialien | IsPartOf: 123456789/5825 (Handle) | |
Inhalt der Forschungsdaten | Dataset, Model: The collected time series of oxygen concentration and spectrophotometer recordings are provided as raw data. In addition, the data collection contains an ecxel file with analysis results from random sampling - including metadata (time and place of sampling of the wastewater sample, processor, serial number of the spectrophotometer). The data for each respiration test includes results of wet chemical analysis (COD, CODmf, BOD5 and NO3-N), the continuously recorded extinction spectra during the test period and their calculated equivalent concentrations based on the manufacturer's calibration "INFLUENT V160". The script (R-project) for data preprocessing, application of ASM No. 1, freferencing modeled concentration (COD fractions) and developing calibration functions (using the regression functions partcial-least-squares and Least-Absolute-Shrinkage-and-Selection-Operator) is also part of the upload. | |
Inhaber der Nutzungsrechte | Institut für Siedlungs- und Industriewasserwirtschaft, TU Dresden | |
Nutzungsrechte des Datensatzes | CC-BY-SA-4.0 | |
Eingesetzte Software | Resource Processing: ana::pro 5.9f | |
Eingesetzte Software | Resource Processing: R 4.0.2 | |
Eingesetzte Software | Resource Processing: Microsoft Excel 2019 | |
Nähere Beschreibung der/s Fachgebiete/s | Urban drainage, combined sewer, wastewater management | |
Angabe der Fachgebiete | Environmental Science and Ecology | de |
Titel des Datensatzes | Batch test for measurement of biodegradable and inert COD fraction concentrations in municipal waste waters using UV-Vis senors |