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Other contributing persons, institutions or organisationsNeudert, Marcus - Ear Research Center Dresden (ORCID: 0000-0002-3908-2328) - ProjectLeader
Other contributing persons, institutions or organisationsKoch, Edmund - Faculty of Medicine, TU Dresden (ORCID: 0000-0003-0554-2178) - ProjectManager
Other contributing persons, institutions or organisationsSpeidel, Stefanie - National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) Dresden (ORCID: 0000-0002-4590-1908) - WorkPackageLeader
Other contributing persons, institutions or organisationsBodenstedt, Sebastian - National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) Dresden (ORCID: 0000-0002-2203-9729) - WorkPackageLeader
Other contributing persons, institutions or organisationsKirsten, Lars - Faculty of Medicine, TU Dresden - Researcher
Other contributing persons, institutions or organisationsOssmann, Steffen - Ear Research Center Dresden (ORCID: 0000-0003-1288-7254) - ProjectMember
Other contributing persons, institutions or organisationsSchieffer, Catherina - Ear Research Center Dresden - ProjectMember
Other contributing persons, institutions or organisationsHu, Yujia - National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) Dresden - ProjectMember
Person(s) who is (are) responsible for the content of the research dataSteuer, Svea - Faculty of Medicine, TU Dresden (ORCID: 0009-0002-1419-8698)
Person(s) who is (are) responsible for the content of the research dataGolde, Jonas - TU Dresden (ORCID: 0000-0002-8160-3000)
Person(s) who is (are) responsible for the content of the research dataMorgenstern, Joseph - Ear Research Center Dresden (ORCID: 0000-0001-6301-9575)
Person(s) who is (are) responsible for the content of the research dataLiu, Peng - National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) Dresden (ORCID: ORCID: 0009-0002-4280-3672)
Type of data acquisitionOther: Data collected as part of the clinical daily diagnostics at the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden.
Used research instruments or devicesCustom endoscopic OCT device
Research objectsPeople: Healthy volunteers and patients with age ranging from 22 to 66
AbstractThe data collection contains 43 optical coherence tomography (OCT) volumes from both healthy and pathological middle ears of 29 subjects recorded with a non-invasive endoscopic OCT device applicable in vivo. Due to the shadowing of preceding structures interpreting such OCT volumes needs expertise and is time-consuming. Nowadays, deep neural networks have emerged to facilitate this process regarding segmentation, classification and registration. Hence, the dataset offers semantic segmentations of five crucial anatomical structures (tympanic membrane, malleus, incus, stapes and promontory), and sparse landmarks delineating the salient features of the structures additionally. The complete dataset provides the possibility to develop and train own networks and algorithms for the evaluation of middle ear OCT volumes.
Additional keywordsendoscopic optical coherence tomography, machine learning, hearing, tympanic membrane
Year or period of data production2022-2023
Publication year2023
PublisherTechnische Universität Dresden
References on related materialsIsPartOf: 123456789/6024 (Handle)
References on related materialsIsDerivedFrom: 10.1117/12.2650730 (DOI)
Content of the research dataImage, Dataset: Optical coherence tomography image volumes of the human middle ear with segmentations and annotations
Holder of usage rightsTechnische Universität Dresden
Usage rights of the dataCC-BY-4.0
Additional precise description of disciplineBiophotonics and optics applied for diagnostics
Discipline(s)Computer Sciencede
Title of the datasetDresden in vivo OCT Dataset of the Middle Ear

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