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Professur für Bodenmechanik und Grundbau
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Projects within this community
DFG 2021-2024 - Beurteilung der Verflüssigungsneigung grobkörniger Böden anhand eines Identifikationsversuchs (bvgbi)
DFG project number: 316451575 (HE 2933/10-1, HE 2933/10-2 and WI 3180/6-2): The build-up of excess pore water pressure (PWP) usually takes place in loose, saturated, coarse-grained soils when subjected to external shear ... -
DFG 2018-2020 - Micromechanical analysis of state variables for phenomenological constitutive models of soils (masvpcms) [2]
DFG project number: 254872581 (follow-up of project HE2933/8-1) The majority of constitutive models, that are used nowadays to describe the behaviour of granular materials such as sands, are continuum models based on ...
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Recent Submissions
Benchmark analysis of synthetical images - (updated) source code and example DEM data
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2019)These files serve as the basis for a benchmark study on the image analysis to extract contact fabric from x-ray tomographies of granular materials. They are based on the python package "spam": The Software for the Practical ... -
Benchmark analysis of synthetical images - source code and example DEM data
(Institut für GeotechnikTechnische Universität Dresden, 2018)These files serve as the basis for a benchmark study on the image analysis to extract contact fabric from x-ray tomographies of granular materials. They are based on the python package "spam": The Software for the Practical ...