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Bereiche und Sammlungen, die Ihrer Suche entsprechen.
Jupyter notebook and example data [1]
Supplementary material to the publication: "Fast fourier transform and multi-Gaussian fitting of XRR data to determine the thickness of ALD grown thin films within the initial growth regime"
Supplemental Material [1]
Supplemental Material
Datenpakete, die Ihrer Suche entsprechen.
Jupyter notebook code and example file for the evaluation of XRR data via FFT
(Technische Universität DresdenIFW Dresden, 2020)
This is supplementary information to the publication: "Fast fourier transform and multi-Gaussian fitting of XRR data to determine the thickness of ALD grown thin films within the initial growth regime"
Training and Predicted Data for Machine Learning on Thermoelectric Materials
(Technische Universität DresdenIFW Dresden, 2022)
This is supplementary information to the manuscript: "Sustainable Thermoelectric Materials Predicted by Machine Learning"
Research data supporting the paper "Organic bipolar transistors"
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2022)
Supplemental experimental data to the paper "Organic bipolar transistors". For the experimental details, please refer to the original paper.
Data for NCOMMS-22-00582A, Rahn et al.
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2022)
This dataset contains the necessary data and minimal Matlab scripts to reproduce the Figures in
"Kondo quasiparticle dynamics observed by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering" (Rahn et al., 2022)
Supplemental material for publication: "Chaotic resonance modes in dielectric cavities: Product of conditionally invariant measure and universal fluctuations"
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2022)
The supplemental material to the paper (Physical Review Letters 2022, arXiv:2203.09752) presents a gallery of individual modes in position space from short-lived modes to modes with longest lifetime and a mode with high ...