Research Data Repository of Saxon Universities

OPARA is the Open Access Repository and Archive for Research Data of Saxon Universities.

Researchers of Saxon Universities can either publish their research data on OPARA, or archive it here to comply with requirements of funding acencies and good scientic practice, without public access.

You can find the documentation of this service at the ZIH Data Compendium websites. If you need suppourt using OPARA please contact the Servicedesk of TU Dresden.

Please note: The OPARA service was recently upgraded to a new technical platform (this site). Previously stored data will not be available here immediately. It can be found at the still active old version of OPARA. These stock data will be migrated in near future and then the old version of OPARA will finally be shut down. Existing DOIs for data publications remain valid.

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Recent Submissions

Open Access
Untersuchung der Quellung von Gelatine in Lösungen für Mineralisationsexperimente
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2025-01-17) Kruppke, Benjamin
Die für die Doppelmigration verwendete Gelatine wird unterschiedlichen Bedingungen bezüglich des pH-Wertes und der Ionenkonzentrationen (Kat- und Anionen) der Mineralisationslösungen ausgesetzt. Um das Quellverhalten und die Veränderung der Gelatine bezüglich ihrer haptischen Festigkeit zu analysieren wurden Versuche mit Gelatinequadern vorgenommen, die die jeweilige Quellung und die Elastizität der Gelatineproben beschreibt.
Open Access
Data Underpinning: Correlated proton disorder in the crystal structure of the double hydroxide perovskite CuSn(OH)₆
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2025-01-16) Peets, Darren Campbell; Kulbakov, Anton A.; Häußler, Ellen; Parui, Kaushick K.; Mannathanath Chakkingal, Aswathi; Pavlovskii, Nikolai S.; Pomjakushin, Vladimir Yu.; Cañadillas-Delgado, Laura; Hansen, Thomas; Doert, Thomas; Inosov, Dmytro S.
This contains the data underpinning our paper on CuSn(OH)₆. The abstract of the article is reproduced here: CuSn(OH)6 is a quantum spin system from the family of magnetic double perovskite hydroxides, having a frustrated magnetic sublattice. It is also known as the natural mineral mushistonite, whose crystal structure has remained elusive for decades. Here we employ x-ray and neutron powder diffraction to solve the crystal structure of CuSn(OH)6 and propose a structure model in the orthorhombic space group Pnnn with correlated proton disorder. The occupation of the hydrogen sites in the structure is constrained by “ice rules” similar to those known for water ice. The resulting frustration of the hydrogen bonding network is likely to have a complex and interesting interplay with the strong magnetic frustration expected in the face-centred magnetic sublattice. Structural distortions, which are quite pronounced in Cu2+ compounds due to the Jahn-Teller effect, partially alleviate both types of frustration. We also show that hydrostatic pressure tends to suppress proton disorder through a sequence of proton-ordering transitions, as some of the split hydrogen sites merge already at 1.75 GPa while others show a tendency toward possible merging at higher pressures.
Open Access
Data Underpinning: Stacking Disorder in Novel ABAC-Stacked Brochantite
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2025-01-16) Mannathanath Chakkingal, Aswathi; Fuller, Chloe; Avdeev, Maxim; Gumeniuk, Roman; Rahn, Marein C.; Pabst, Falk; Wang, Yiran; Granovsky, Sergey; Chernyshov, Dmitry; Inosov, Dmytro S.; Peets, Darren C.
Abstract of the accompanying article: In geometrically frustrated magnetic systems, weak interactions or slight changes to the structure can tip the delicate balance of exchange interactions, sending the system into a different ground state. Brochantite, Cu₄SO₄(OH)₆, has a copper sublattice composed of distorted triangles, making it a likely host for frustrated magnetism, but exhibits stacking disorder. The lack of synthetic single crystals has limited research on the magnetism in brochantite to powders and natural mineral crystals. We grew crystals which we find to be a new polytype with a tendency toward ABAC stacking and some anion disorder, alongside the expected stacking disorder. Comparison to previous results on natural mineral specimens suggests that cation disorder is more deleterious to the magnetism than anion and stacking disorder. Our specific heat data suggest a double transition on cooling into the magnetically ordered state.
Open Access
Monitoring data of the openLAB research bridge from 2024-02-01 to 2024-10-31
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2025-01-15) Jansen, Andreas; Richter, Bertram; Röder, Robert; Herbers, Max; Marx, Steffen
This dataset presents Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) data from the openLAB research bridge, a large-scale laboratory structure located in Bautzen, Germany. Following an initial one-year reference phase, the bridge will undergo a series of load tests designed to induce significant structural damage. This open-access dataset provides researchers with a rare opportunity to validate SHM methodologies under near-real-world conditions. The current publication includes data from the undamaged bridge, covering the period from 2024-02-01 to 2024-10-31. Additional repositories will be published periodically as new data becomes available. The bridge is equipped with a comprehensive monitoring system featuring fiber optic and electrical sensors that capture both structural behavior and environmental conditions (e.g., air temperature, humidity, and solar radiation). In this initial release, data is sourced from an electrical Gantner Instruments measurement system (Q.station 101T, with various Q.bloxx modules). The dataset includes measurements of acceleration, tilt, air temperature, humidity, and solar radiation. Data is recorded continuously at 10-minute intervals, with additional triggered measurements during non-damaging load tests conducted with a test vehicle or in response to increased vibration activity. The repository provides the data in Comma Separated Values (CSV) format. Each file includes a header specifying the names of the data columns. Additional details, such as units and sampling frequency, are provided in this README file. Each CSV file contains a Timestamp column that records the time of each sample as a datetime string in ISO 8601 format, without time zone information. All timestamps are in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Sensor data is represented as decimal numbers.
Open Access
Supplementary Material to "Geometry Dependent Localization of Surface Plasmons on Random Gold Nanoparticle Assemblies"
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2025-01-13) Kalady, Mohammed Fayis; Lubk, Axel
Assemblies of plasmonic nanoparticles (NPs) support hybridized modes of localized surface plasmons (LSPs), which delocalize in geometrically well-ordered arrangements. Here, the hybridization behavior of LSPs in geometrically completely disordered arrangements of Au NPs fabricated by an e-beam synthesis method is studied. Employing electron energy loss spectroscopy in a scanning transmission electron microscope in combination with numerical simulations, the disorder-driven spatial and spectral localization of the coupled LSP modes that depend on the NP thickness is revealed. Below 0.4nm sample thickness (flat NPs), localization increases towards higher hybridized LSP mode energies. In comparison, above 10nm thickness, a decrease of localization (an increase of delocalization) with higher mode energies is observed. In the intermediate thickness regime, a transition of the energy dependence of the localization between the two limiting cases, exhibiting a transition mode energy with minimal localization, is observed. This behavior is mainly driven by the energy and thickness dependence of the polarizability of the individual NPs.