Research Data Repository of Saxon Universities

OPARA is the Open Access Repository and Archive for Research Data of Saxon Universities.

Researchers of Saxon Universities can either publish their research data on OPARA, or archive it here to comply with requirements of funding acencies and good scientic practice, without public access.

You can find the documentation of this service at the ZIH Data Compendium websites. If you need suppourt using OPARA please contact the Servicedesk of TU Dresden.

Please note: The OPARA service was recently upgraded to a new technical platform (this site). Previously stored data will not be available here immediately. It can be found at the still active old version of OPARA. These stock data will be migrated in near future and then the old version of OPARA will finally be shut down. Existing DOIs for data publications remain valid.

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Recent Submissions

Open Access
Raw data of the paper "Brillouin spectroscopic investigation of corneal hydration and the impact of cross-linking therapy on water retention"
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2025-03-06) Rix, Jan; Steuer, Svea
Raw Brillouin, Raman and PS-OCT data acquired within the project and paper "Brillouin spectroscopic investigation of corneal hydration and the impact of cross-linking therapy on water retention"
Open Access
Flossgraben Bridge - Large-Scale Experiment Acceleration Data
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2025-03-05) Rohrer, Maximilian; Lenzen, Armin
The research presented is part of the SPP100+ of the German Research Foundation. Subject of the research is the early detection of damage, especially on large bridge structures. For this purpose, a large-scale experiment for vibration-based output-only damage detection was conducted at Flossgraben Bridge near Zeitz (Germany). The experiment was conducted over the course of three days for which the structure was equipped with 56 uniaxial piezoelectric acceleration sensors. The experimental structure is a healthy bridge structure constructed in 2001 and is part of the federal road B2 with two lanes for traffic. The bridge is composed of seven spans, with a total length of 358 m and a total weight of approximately 4750 t. The superstructure consists of an in-situ concrete slab resting on a trapezoidal, torsionally rigid steel box girder with inclined webs. The large-scale experiment was divided into a reference phase and two damage equivalent load case phases. Cargo trucks with a total mass of 39 t were used as additional mass and placed in field 4 and field 3 as mass alterations. During the complete course of the large-scale experiment one traffic lane was closed, while the other was open for traffic. The experiment was carried out with the kind support of the LSBB Saxony-Anhalt.
Open Access
Dataset Validation Study ILEA-Basis-T
(Universität Leipzig, 2025-03-05) Liebers, Katrin; Siegemund-Johannsen, Steffen; Viernickel, Susanne; Redersborg, Helke; von Seeler, Isabelle; Richter, Virginia; Hartke, Sara; Kauffert, Matteo
The validation study was conducted to statistically test the validity of the developed DBS. Accordingly, the materials that had been developed for the DBS over the course of the project and had already been tested were used. The parents of all participating children gave their consent. The research ethical standards were adhered to. Likewise, a positive vote of the ethics committee of the University of Leipzig was available. At the same time, further domain-specific test procedures were used to determine convergent and discriminant validity in the areas of early literacy and early mathematics (e.g. MBK 0, Krajewski, 2018; GISC-EL, Koch, Euker & Kuhl, 2016). In addition, a comprehensive rating-based evaluation form was developed for the Early Mathematics Observation Form, with a focus on suitability for everyday use and acceptance in practice. The observation procedures for well-being and the children's questionnaire on well-being were used by project staff, students, and preschool teachers. Convergent discrimination for the habitual well-being rating procedure was determined using a selection of parallel assessment methods (excerpts from KOMPIK; Mayr, Bauer, Krause, Kruse, & Schnirch, 2014; Leiden Inventory for the Child's Wellbeing in Day Care/LICW-D; De Schipper, Van IJzendoorn, & Tavecchio, 2004).
Open Access
Data Underpinning: Disordered ground state in the 3D face-centred frustrated spin-5/2 system MnSn(OH)₆
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2025-03-04) Parui, Kaushick K.; Kulbakov, Anton A.; Häußler, Ellen; Pavlovskii, Nikolai S.; Mannathanath Chakkingal, Aswathi; Avdeev, Maxim; Gumeniuk, Roman; Granovsky, Sergey; Mistonov, Alexander; Zvyagin, Sergei; Doert, Thomas; Inosov, Dmytro S.; Peets, Darren C.
This contains the data underpinning our paper on MnSn(OH)₆. The abstract of the article is reproduced below: Frustrated magnetism in face-centered cubic (fcc) magnetic sublattices remains underexplored but holds considerable potential for exotic magnetic behavior. Here, we report on the crystal structural, magnetic and thermodynamic properties of the A-site-vacant double hydroxide perovskite MnSn(OH)₆. Despite dominant antiferromagnetic interactions among Mn²⁺ moments, evidenced by a negative Curie-Weiss temperature, the lack of a sharp thermodynamic transition down to 350 mK implies the absence of long-range magnetic order. However, a broad hump at 1.6 K suggests short-range correlations and spin freezing, with power-law behavior consistent with a spin-glass state. Neutron diffraction at low temperatures confirms the presence of three-dimensional (3D) antiferromagnetic correlations, manifesting as diffuse magnetic scattering with a correlation length ξ = 24.66 Å and a magnetic propagation vector k = (0 0 ½) at 20 mK.
Open Access
A New Risk Assessment Model for Unexploded underwater Military Munitions: Workshop 2 Poll Results
(Universität Leipzig, 2025-03-03) Frey, Torsten
This file contains workshop poll data from the following doctoral thesis: Frey, Torsten. A New Risk Assessment Model for Unexploded underwater Military Munitions. Dissertation. Leipzig University. Leipzig. 2025. For detailed information, the interested party is referred to Appendices 6, 7, and 8 of the dissertation.