Data Underpinning: Stacking Disorder in Novel ABAC-Stacked Brochantite
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Abstract of the accompanying article: In geometrically frustrated magnetic systems, weak interactions or slight changes to the structure can tip the delicate balance of exchange interactions, sending the system into a different ground state. Brochantite, Cu₄SO₄(OH)₆, has a copper sublattice composed of distorted triangles, making it a likely host for frustrated magnetism, but exhibits stacking disorder. The lack of synthetic single crystals has limited research on the magnetism in brochantite to powders and natural mineral crystals. We grew crystals which we find to be a new polytype with a tendency toward ABAC stacking and some anion disorder, alongside the expected stacking disorder. Comparison to previous results on natural mineral specimens suggests that cation disorder is more deleterious to the magnetism than anion and stacking disorder. Our specific heat data suggest a double transition on cooling into the magnetically ordered state.