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Bereiche: Recent submissions
Anzeige der Treffer 41-60 von 128
Photographs of the occlusal surface and bitewing X-ray images of carious teeth in vitro
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2023)This dataset contains the images of conventional diagnostic methods for occlusal caries of the 17 teeth examined. For each tooth sample, one photograph (.JPG file) of the occlusal surface is available representative for ... -
Surfactant administration during endotracheal CPAP: feasibility, risk factors for failure and short-term outcomes of DD-SURF (Raw data)
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2023)Rawdata of the retrospective analysis of surfactant administration following the DD-SURF protocol (published in Acta Paediatrica, 2023) -
Replication data and results for the paper "Keyness in song lyrics. Challenges of highly clumpy data"
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2023)Replication data and results for Langenhorst, Jan/Frommherz, Yannick/Meier-Vieracker, Simon: Keyness in song lyrics. Challenges of highly clumpy data. In: Journal for Language Technology and Computational Linguistics. This ... -
Batch test for measurement of biodegradable and inert COD fraction concentrations in municipal waste waters using UV-Vis senors
(Technische Universität Dresden - Faculty of Environmental Sciences - Department of Hydrosciences - Institute of Urban and Industrial Water Management, 2023)In wastewater from the outflow of primary treatment (wastewater treatment plant, Dresden-Kaditz) and from a combined sewer of the city of Dresden, the wastewater composition was determined using in-situ UV-Vis measurement ... -
Determination of the temperature development in the cryogenic range for determination of heat transfer coefficient
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2023)Lightweight materials such as aluminum alloys have an important role to play in weight reduction. However, their limited formability at room temperature poses a major challenge and restricts their use. Significant improvements ... -
Evaluation of Trap Type and Attractant Composition for Potential Mass Trapping of Hylobius abietis
(Technische Universität DresdenProfessur für Waldschutz, 2023)data repository for the manuscript "Evaluation of Trap Type and Attractant Composition for Potential Mass Trapping of Hylobius abietis" by Heber et al. (2023) -
Measuring the transformation of biodegradable and inert COD fraction concentrations along flow path in combined sewer system
(Technische Universität Dresden - Faculty of Environmental Sciences - Department of Hydrosciences - Institute of Urban and Industrial Water Management, 2023)In wastewater from a combined sewer of the city of Dresden, the wastewater composition was determined using in-situ UV-Vis measurement technology and wet chemical analyzes from random samples as a reference. In addition, ... -
Intermediate dataset of clustered body odor descriptors
(Technische Universität DresdenProf. Dr. Ilona CroyFriedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 2023)The dataset shows the intermediate results from 1060 participants from nine countries and five languages: German (Germany, Austria, 414 participants), English (United States, Canada, Great Britain, Sweden, 133 participants), ... -
ListDB drone videos: Road traffic accident and interaction with VRUs
The dataset includes two drone videos (excerpts) recorded in Dresden, Germany, at a 4-way intersection. The first video shows a minor property damage accident, the second video shows an interaction between a car and ... -
Data product of Greenland glacier calving front locations delineated by deep learning, 2013 to 2021
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2023)Glacier calving front positions are derived by applying a deep learning method to multispectral Landsat-8 imagery. The product contains 9243 calving front positions across 23 Greenland outlet glaciers from March 2013 to ... -
Supplemental material to "Maximal Anderson Localization and Suppression of Surface Plasmons in Two-Dimensional Random Au Networks"
(Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung Dresden, 2023)Two-dimensional random metal networks possess unique electrical and optical properties, such as almost total optical transparency and low sheet resistance, which are closely related to their disordered structure. Here we ... -
Ontologies, SHACL-Rules and SPARQL-Queries of PhD-Thesis "An ontology-based approach for automatized evaluation of structural damage in a digital data environment"
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2023)New technologies in the field of building and damage detection lead to an automation of inspection processes and thus an increase in efficiency. However, an adequate digitalisation of the recorded building data into a BIM ... -
Supplementary materials for the publication "From sunrise to sunset: Exploring landscape preference through global reactions to ephemeral events captured in georeferenced social media"
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2023)Events profoundly influence human-environment interactions. Through repetition, some events manifest and amplify collective behavioral traits, which significantly affects landscapes and their use, meaning, and value. ... -
Documentation for paper "Ecological Momentary Assessment and Applied Relaxation: Results of a Randomized Indicated Preventive Trial in Individuals at Increased Risk for Mental Disorders"
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2023)Documentation for paper "Ecological Momentary Assessment and Applied Relaxation: Results of a Randomized Indicated Preventive Trial in Individuals at Increased Risk for Mental Disorders", including study protocol, raw data, ... -
Sensitivity kernels for four different methods of Greenland Ice Sheet mass change estimation from GRACE Level-2 satellite gravimetry data
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2023)Supplementary material to the manuscript: Döhne, T., Horwath, M., Groh, A. and Buchta, E. (2023) 'The sensitivity kernel perspective on GRACE mass change estimates', Journal of Geodesy. The data set comprises sensitivity ... -
Computed tomography data of different resolution of expanded polypropylene foams of different density
(Technische Universität DresdenInstitute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology - ILK, 2022)In this work, the morphology of three EPP bead foams with closed cells and different densities is studied using x-ray computed tomography. The specimens of 10 mm diameter and 10 mm length were cut from steam-chest-molded ... -
IV curves obtained from thermionic emission tests with C12A7:e- thick film samples
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2022)Thermionic emission current density measurement of C12A7:e- thick film samples. Samples prepared by Fraunhofer IKTS. Bulk coating: Proprietary composite with C12A7:e-. Thickness: 100 µm. Substrate: Titanium Measurement ... -
MCRS1 modulates the heterogeneity of microtubule minus-end morphologies in mitotic spindles
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2022)This collection contains electron tomography data of HeLa cells depleted with MCRS1 protein. Datasets contain, a collection of spatial graphs. -
Supplemental material for publication: "Chaotic resonance modes in dielectric cavities: Product of conditionally invariant measure and universal fluctuations"
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2022)The supplemental material to the paper (Physical Review Letters 2022, arXiv:2203.09752) presents a gallery of individual modes in position space from short-lived modes to modes with longest lifetime and a mode with high ... -
eBike measurements for fatigue monitoring and maneuver identification tasks
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2022)This dataset provides acceleration and strain measurements from a sensor equipped eBike, which were collected for the development of new methods for fatigue damage monitoring and maneuver identification tasks.