The OPARA service was recently upgraded to a new technical platform. You are visiting the outdated OPARA website. Please use for new data submissions. Previously stored data will be migrated in near future and then the old version of OPARA will finally be shut down. Existing DOIs for data publications remain valid.

Zur Kurzanzeige


Für den Inhalt der Forschungsdaten verantwortliche Person(en)Kath, Hannes
KurzbeschreibungData CARInA, MATLAB-Code, Documents. The speech corpus is annotated (by automatic systems) at orthographic, morphosyntactic, broad phonetic, narrow phonetic and prosodic level.
Länder, auf die sich die Daten beziehenGERMANYde
Weitere Schlagwörterspeech corpus, prosody
Entstehungsjahr oder Entstehungszeitraum2021
HerausgeberTechnische Universität Dresden
Referenzen auf ergänzende MaterialienIsPartOf: 123456789/1985 (Handle)
Inhalt der ForschungsdatenSound: Audio files, TextGrid-files and BPF files
Inhaber der NutzungsrechteTechnische Universität Dresden
Nutzungsrechte des DatensatzesCC-BY-SA-4.0
Nähere Beschreibung der/s Fachgebiete/sComputational linguistics
Angabe der FachgebieteInformation Technologyde
Titel des DatensatzesCARInA

Dateien zu dieser Ressource


Die Datenpakete erscheinen in:

  • Corpus of Aligned Read speech Including Annotations [1]Open Access Icon
    CARInA is a German-language speech corpus containing speech material of the German Spoken Wikipedia Corpus. It is organized by completeness and speakers. The folder "Complete" contains all speech material which is annotated at orthographic, morphosyntactic, broad phonetic, narrow phonetic as well as prosodic speech level. The folder "WorkInProgress" contains all material with at least on one incomplete annotation level.

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