Bereich Bau und Umwelt: Recent submissions
Anzeige der Treffer 1-20 von 58
Raw data of the cyclic tests on the beam specimens
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2024)This dataset contains the raw data of the cyclic tests on the beam specimens. Two concrete mixes were investigated (C30 and C80). The specimens are named with the concrete type followed by a roman number (e.g. C30-II). The ... -
Manually delineated glacier calving front locations of 27 marine-terminating glaciers from 2013 to 2021
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2024)This dataset provides 898 manually delineated glacier calving front positions of 23 Greenland glaciers, two glaciers at the Antarctic Peninsula, one glacier in Svalbard and one glacier in Patagonia from 2013 to 2021. For ... -
Terminus area change of 17 key glaciers of the Antarctic Peninsula from 2013 to 2023 derived from remote sensing and deep learning
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2023)Glacier terminus area changes are derived using the rectilinear box method applied to time series of glacier calving front locations. Terminus changes are provided in text file and image format. The following glaciers are ... -
Simulation Data: Indoor Positioning Systems in Connected Aircraft Cabins
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2023)The dataset consist of three .csv files containing the visibility analysis (LOS/OLOS/NLOS) from ray launching inside the aircraft cabin, the anchor states and the results of the probabilistic range sampling. In total 8 ... -
Raw data of the cyclic tests on the cylindrical specimens
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2023)This dataset contains the raw data of the cyclic tests on concrete cylinders to determine the number of cycles to failure and the stiffness develpment of the different batches. Two concrete mixes were investigated (C30 and ... -
Historical Greenland glacier calving front locations from 1973 until 2013
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2023)This product contains 170 Greenland glacier calving front positions from the following glaciers: Hagen Bræ, Helheim Glacier, Kangiata Nunaata Sermia, Nioghalvfjerdsbræ, Tracy Glacier and Zachariae Isstrøm. The glacier ... -
Raw data of the creep tests on cylindrical specimens
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2023)This dataset contains the raw data of the creep tests on the concrete cylinder specimens. Four batches (batch 1 and 2 of concrete C80 and batch 3 and 4 on concrete C30) were tested. Three specimens were placed on top of ... -
Raw data of the cylinder tests for determining compressive strength and modulus of elasticity
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2023)This dataset contains the raw data of the tests on concrete cylinders to determine the compressive strength and the modulus of elasticity of the different batches. Two concrete mixes were investigated (C30 and C80). The ... -
Supplementary materials for the publication "Generative text-to-image diffusion for map creation based on geosocial media data."
(Technische Universität DresdenInstitut für Kartographie, 2023)Supporting Information for the publication "Generative text-to-image diffusion for map creation based on geosocial media data"(Release v1.0.0). Updates from the peer review process may not be reflected in this submission. ... -
Monitoring data for the publication "Fast inundation simulation with RIM2D for urban flood risk assessment and forecasting"
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2023)Monitoring data used for model calibration and evaluation from the Urban Observatory of the Chair of Urban Water Management -
Supplementary materials for the publication "Event inventories: Estimating the temporality of landscape scenic resources from user-contributed geodata."
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2023)Supporting Information for the conference publication > Event inventories: Estimating the temporality of landscape scenic resources from user-contributed geodata. Updates may have been made since submission to Opara. ... -
ListDB RepThree: Stationary camera videos and trajectories at a signalized 3-way intersection taken on different Wednesdays over a 3-year period (2019, 2020 with Covid-19 lockdown, 2022)
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2023)The dataset can be used to study road traffic before, during, and after Covid-19. Moreover, the dataset can help to derive test scenarios for scenario-based testing, for example. The dataset includes seven days of drone ... -
ListDB RepTwo: 3 months (Jun'22-Aug'22) of drone videos and trajectories at a 4-way intersection
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2023)The dataset can be used to investigate road traffic and derive test scenarios for scenario-based testing, for example. The dataset includes three months of drone videos and their corresponding trajectories recorded in ... -
ListDB RepOne: 3 months (Jun'22-Aug'22) of drone videos and trajectories at a 3-way intersection
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2023)The dataset can be used to investigate road traffic and derive test scenarios for scenario-based testing, for example. The dataset includes three months of drone videos and their corresponding trajectories recorded in ... -
Batch test for measurement of biodegradable and inert COD fraction concentrations in municipal waste waters using UV-Vis senors
(Technische Universität Dresden - Faculty of Environmental Sciences - Department of Hydrosciences - Institute of Urban and Industrial Water Management, 2023)In wastewater from the outflow of primary treatment (wastewater treatment plant, Dresden-Kaditz) and from a combined sewer of the city of Dresden, the wastewater composition was determined using in-situ UV-Vis measurement ... -
Evaluation of Trap Type and Attractant Composition for Potential Mass Trapping of Hylobius abietis
(Technische Universität DresdenProfessur für Waldschutz, 2023)data repository for the manuscript "Evaluation of Trap Type and Attractant Composition for Potential Mass Trapping of Hylobius abietis" by Heber et al. (2023) -
Measuring the transformation of biodegradable and inert COD fraction concentrations along flow path in combined sewer system
(Technische Universität Dresden - Faculty of Environmental Sciences - Department of Hydrosciences - Institute of Urban and Industrial Water Management, 2023)In wastewater from a combined sewer of the city of Dresden, the wastewater composition was determined using in-situ UV-Vis measurement technology and wet chemical analyzes from random samples as a reference. In addition, ... -
ListDB drone videos: Road traffic accident and interaction with VRUs
The dataset includes two drone videos (excerpts) recorded in Dresden, Germany, at a 4-way intersection. The first video shows a minor property damage accident, the second video shows an interaction between a car and ... -
Data product of Greenland glacier calving front locations delineated by deep learning, 2013 to 2021
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2023)Glacier calving front positions are derived by applying a deep learning method to multispectral Landsat-8 imagery. The product contains 9243 calving front positions across 23 Greenland outlet glaciers from March 2013 to ... -
Ontologies, SHACL-Rules and SPARQL-Queries of PhD-Thesis "An ontology-based approach for automatized evaluation of structural damage in a digital data environment"
(Technische Universität Dresden, 2023)New technologies in the field of building and damage detection lead to an automation of inspection processes and thus an increase in efficiency. However, an adequate digitalisation of the recorded building data into a BIM ...