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Weitere mitwirkende Personen, Institutionen oder Unternehmenbmbf - Funder
Weitere mitwirkende Personen, Institutionen oder UnternehmenKlingner, Stephan - Universität Leipzig (orcid: 0000-0001-8052-9737) - ProjectLeader
Für den Inhalt der Forschungsdaten verantwortliche Person(en)Miller, Mihail
Zugrundeliegende ForschungsobjekteNonPhysicalObject: categories of rights, types of use of musical works managed by CMOs
KurzbeschreibungUnder the CRM-Directive (Directive 2014/26/EU), collective management organisations (CMOs) in the European Economic Area (EEA) must publish annual transparency reports. These transparency reports allow for a deeper analysis of the financial data of CMOs. However, this data can be very unstructured and therefore difficult to compare and contextualise across CMOs. This repository includes a taxonomy based on the mapping of common categories of rights / types of use managed by CMOs for musical repertoire (derived from their transparency reports). - In the process, the elementary concepts common to the different CMOs were mapped to 4 metaconcepts (manifestation type, consumer medium, licensee type, exploited copyright type). - These mappings are listed in the file `metaconcepts_mappings.csv`. - The mappings of the CMO-specific designations to the generic quadruplets of four elementary concepts (license categories) can be found in the "mappings" directory. - The taxonomy is defined as a tree graph in DOT language in the file `tree.gv`. - The file `tree.gv.pdf` represents a diagram of the generated taxonomy showing the use of the elementary concepts by the studied CMOs and their hierarchical connections. - Additionally, two subgraphs with the nodes "communication" and "performance" as roots are visualised in `subgraph_communication.svg` and `subgraph_performing.svg` respectively. - With the folder structure unchanged, the taxonomy and metrics (e.g. word count and synonyms) can be reproduced for them by unzipping the `` directory and running python ``. - The `selection`-directory is not related to the generation process. In it, the selection process of the CMOs (BIEM and CISAC member societies with musical repertoire, controlled by a competent authority in the European Union), is outlined.
Region(en) auf die sich die Daten beziehenEEA
Weitere Schlagwörterclassification
Weitere Schlagwörterlicense
Weitere Schlagwörtercategories
Weitere SchlagwörterEuropean Union
Weitere Schlagwörterinformation
Weitere Schlagwörtertariff
Weitere Schlagwörtertype of use
Entstehungsjahr oder Entstehungszeitraum2021
HerausgeberUniversität Leipzig
Referenzen auf ergänzende MaterialienIsPartOf: 123456789/5654 (Handle)
Inhalt der ForschungsdatenText, Image, Presentation, Dataset, Model, Software: mappings of CMO-specific labels to generic license categories; description of elementary and metaconcepts of license categories; scripts for the generation of a taxonomic tree of license categories from the mappings; taxonomic tree of license categories managed by CMOs
Inhaber der NutzungsrechteUniversität Leipzig
Nutzungsrechte des DatensatzesCC-BY-4.0
Angabe der FachgebieteComputer Sciencede
Angabe der FachgebieteInformation Technologyde
Angabe der FachgebieteEconomicsde
Titel des DatensatzesCollective Rights Management Taxonomy

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Die Datenpakete erscheinen in:

  • Collective Rights Management (CRM) [2]Open Access Icon
    These artefacts are intended to foster a shared understanding of collective rights management (CRM) within the European Union. They were created in response to Directive 2014/26/EU to aid in the management, exchange, identification, comparison, and use of collective rights management systems.

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