This dataset contains the raw data of the tests on concrete cylinders to determine the compressive strength and the modulus of elasticity of the different batches. Two concrete mixes were investigated (C30 and C80). The batch is referenced by a roman number (I to VI). Three cylinder specimens were tested from each batch. The first was loaded with continously increasing force until failure. The ultimate load was used to determine the load levels of the tests for the modulus of elasticity according to DIN EN 12390-13, method B, for the tests on the other two specimens. After carrying out these two tests, both specimens were also loaded with increasing force until failure. Following channels are used in each file:
Zeit (Standardmessrate) [time (standard measuring rate)] in s, Zeit (langsame Messrate) [time (slow measuring rate)] in s, Kraft [force] in kN, Maschinenweg [machine displacement] in mm, Laser bei Umfang [displacement measured by laser sensor at circumference] 0° in mm, Laser bei Umfang [displacement measured by laser sensor at circumference] 120° in mm, Laser bei Umfang [displacement measured by laser sensor at circumference] 240° in mm, Lufttemperatur [relative humidity, related to the slow measuring rate] in °C, DD1_1 und DD1_2 (LVDT, placed at middle specimen height at 0° and 180°, measuring length 150 mm) in mm