CT data of two filter cakes, built from glass beads (B70) and quartz sand (BCS201) in an in-situ pressure nutsch according german guideline VDI 2762-2. The soda-lime glass beads (density 2.55 g/cm³, 72.30 m.-% SiO2, 13.30 m.-
% Na2O, 8.90 m.-% CaO and 4.00 m.-% MgO) of the size of 70 < x < 110 μm were purchased from Sigmund Lindner GmbH, Germany, and are manufactured via dry spraying. The quartz sand (density 2.65 g/cm³, 99.1 m.-% SiO2 with traces of Fe2O3, Al2O3 and TiO2 with < 0.3 m.-%) was purchased from Strobel quartzsand GmbH, Germany, in the fraction x < 200 μm, coming from a comminution process.
For the filtration experiments, the solids are suspended in an aqueous solution of de-ionized water, potassium iodide (25 mM) and glycerol (24 m-%), resulting in a density of 1.10 g/cm².
After filtration until gas breakthrough, the filter cakes are measured tomographically (ZEISS Xradia 510 Versa).